New England UUs – Join us Feb 2 Social Media and Membership Growth Training

This training is complete. Thanks to all who attended!  ~ Peter

Unitarian Universalists leaders in New England, join me at First Parish in Needham, MA on Saturday, Feb 2, 2019, for my next Social Media and Membership Growth day-long training.

Social media, smartphones, and non-stop access to the internet has changed how people are researching, exploring, and choosing congregations.  To help people successfully connect with our congregations we need to bring more of our greeting, orientation, and education efforts online.

We can no longer wait for them to show up in person.  We need to show up where they are — online actively trying to determine if your congregation is right for them.  To do this, they need your support.

Interested in reaching the majority of adults who use smartphones and are digitally oriented?  Join us for this day-long training designed to help bring your membership development efforts in line with today’s digital culture.

Register via Eventbrite